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Call for film submissions

Owners, crew and motivated industry proponents can now play a starring role in a short film submission for ‘Oceans in Motion’ – a project from Plastic Oceans Australasia that is determined to eliminate plastic from the globe.

Photography by David Jones

15 March 2022


Our oceans are choking on plastic pollution. Around 10 million tonnes annually, in fact, and that figure is only increasing. Locally, each year 130,000 tonnes end up in Australian waterways and marine environments, and it’s estimated that 100,000 marine mammals and turtles, not to mention 1 million seabirds, are killed by marine plastic pollution.

With the mission to change the world’s attitude to plastic consumption within a generation, Plastic Oceans Australasia (POA) was established to show people how to live without single-use plastic.

“POA provides information and education and conducts research to raise awareness of the problems of plastic waste in the environment,” explains Ricki Hersburgh, Executive Director at POA.

“The fastest way to activate change is to get young people involved. It encourages others to walk the talk and be part of our innovative, creative programs that reach out to the community, business, government – everyone!”


With the mission to change the world’s attitude to plastic consumption within a generation, POA was established to show people how to live without single-use plastic.

“Our programs are core to this mission – they address the root cause of single-use plastic consumption and show people the path to positive behavioural change.”

Devising and delivering relevant, fun programs are therefore crucial. One of the successful POA programs that has been implemented and evolved over the past five years is the national school program, which empowers students to become leaders within their communities by reducing their plastic footprint and living sustainably.

POA also engages with companies to help them eliminate soft plastics in the workplace through the EPIC (Engagement in Plastic-free Innovation for Change) program.

Then there’s the ongoing scientific research conducted by the POA Technical Advisory Panel team, which draws on data from several national and international universities and research centres depending on the project.

“Everything we deliver is based on science, research and peer-reviewed evidence,” asserts Hersburgh, adding that their objectives had been gaining traction as the world became more aware of the impact of single-use plastics.

That was until the pandemic struck. “People were becoming accustomed to using cloth bags, retailers stopped giving out disposable bags, straws were being phased out. Then COVID arrived, and it was a case of one step forward, two back – there has been a marked increase in plastic consumption.

“During the pandemic, the use of plastic masks, disposable packaging and single-use cups have all increased exponentially, and estimates suggest it’s a 33-percent increase across the globe. In the UK alone, it is estimated that 29 million masks per month were being disposed of – and that was back August 2020.

“On World Picnic Day on 18 June, we initiated Picnics Unwrapped, a month-long campaign that was launched in September in Australia to capture our springtime and inspire people to host a picnic without single-use plastic packaging. We appointed celebrities, influencers, and student ambassadors to spread the word.

Expanding its focus in 2022, POA’s Oceans in Motion Film Competition is inviting all boat owners, captains, crew and guests alike to take up the creative challenge and enter the Competition.

“The Oceans in Motion initiative began two years ago to recognise the United Nations’ Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development,” explains Hersburgh.

“We’re rolling it out in 2022 to encourage everyone connected to the water to show us how they are working toward reducing single-use plastic items on their boat by way of a short film.”

Plastic Oceans Australasia is pleased to announce its inaugural OiM Academic and Sporting Ambassadors: Dr Meryl Batchelder, Mr Lloyd Godson and Australian Boardsailing Champions Robert and Annie Wilmot.

The competition is free to enter and open to everyone in the Australasian region with categories including, primary, secondary, tertiary education and the boating community.

Registration opens 7 March 2022 and closes 21 October. Film entries need to be no longer than ten minutes and must be submitted in .mp4, .avi or .mov file format by 11:59pm AEST 18 September 2022. Winners will be announced 8 December 2022.

“It can be a documentary style or a public service announcement, serious or funny, live action or animated – it’s up to you! Oceans in Motion is open to the entire local fleet – ferries, charter yachts and commercial vessels, superyachts, sailors, owners, crew, guests,” says Hersburgh. “It’s time to get on board!”

Ocean Media has joined the action as an Oceans in Motion Media Partner.

For your entry form, go to oceansinmotion.org.au/signup



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