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World Ocean Day

On 8 June, World Ocean Day rallies the world for ocean and climate action, the changes we can make and the initiatives we can support throughout the year.

08 June 2023


On World Ocean Day, people around our blue planet celebrate and honour our one shared ocean, that connects us all. Each year, on 8 June, World Ocean Day raises the profile of the ocean, connects people worldwide, and inspires continuing action year-round to protect and restore our ocean.

In 1992, Canada first proposed the concept of “World Ocean Day” at the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro. Today, more than 10,000 organisations and businesses coordinate 15,000+ events in 150 countries to celebrate and educate.

The World Ocean Day organisation works in partnership with youth leaders, zoos, aquariums, museums, marinas and other youth-focused organisations, as well as a huge range of diverse organisations and businesses from all sectors in a growing global network. Together, we can effectively engage the public, inform policymakers, and unite the world to protect and restore our shared ocean and create a stable climate.

María Paz Dakota Ormeño Vasquez from Perú is one of the 26 members of the World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council who works year-round to inspire others to engage in ocean conservation action.


“As young people, we have the power to make a difference and protect our ocean,” said 16-year-old Vasquez.

“We can be the voice for the voiceless, the endangered species, and the climate. We can play a pivotal role in decision-making and dialogue, inspiring others to take action.”

For a fourth straight year, the World Ocean Day 2023 Conservation Action Focus, or theme, is to grow the movement to protect at least 30 percent of our lands, waters, and ocean by 2030 (30×30).

This year’s efforts will build on the two major victories from the past six months where nations committed to protect 30 percent of areas under their own jurisdiction and also designate 30 percent of the world’s international waters as protected areas by 2030.

For 2023, World Ocean Day event coordinators and celebrators are encouraged to share why they support protecting our lands, waters, and ocean to encourage national leaders to follow through on those 30×30 commitments.

“To me, celebrating World Ocean Day means celebrating all the efforts that are made by individuals worldwide,” said Rada Pandeva, Youth Advisory Council member from Bulgaria, age 20.

“It is a chance to recognise the progress we’re making and remind ourselves to keep going because our own wellbeing is dependent on our ocean’s wellbeing.”

The Youth Advisory Council members represent 21 diverse countries and backgrounds. They provide new and unique perspectives, ideas, and recommendations for rallying the world for action.

The Council works together to inform and motivate their communities and countries, inspiring youth and others in June and throughout the year.

“Young ocean leaders are innovative, tenacious, and passionate about regenerating ocean health and human health,” explained 19-year-old Bodhi Patil, Youth Advisory Council member from Canada.

“Alongside the wisdom, experience, and expertise of adults, we can drive intergenerational collaboration. This is the key to co-creating ocean-climate solutions that make waves of impact.”

At the recent UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15), world leaders made a global commitment to protect 30 percent of our blue planet by 2030 (30×30).

Leading scientists worldwide have determined a healthy ocean is a critical part of the solution to the climate and biodiversity crises.

By supporting 30×30, we can protect our planet’s life support systems – specifically the interconnected issues of ocean, climate, and biodiversity. Currently, less than 17 percent of land and 8 percent of the ocean worldwide is protected.

The good news is, due to the efforts of the growing global 30×30 movement, including those involved in the World Ocean Day network, our nations’ leaders made a global commitment to 30×30 during the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in December 2022.

To create a healthy ocean with abundant wildlife and to stabilise the climate, it’s critical that 30 percent of our planet’s lands, waters, and ocean are protected.

With the theme and aim of 30×30, World Ocean Day aims to raise awareness of the strategies we can all take to achieve this goal.



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