16 June 2022
Within the Monaco Yacht Show’s (MYS) ‘seducation’ program to help Millennials and Gen Z discover the experience of the superyacht life, MYS has joined TikTok as monacoyachtshow.official.
Recent figures accentuate the huge potential of this booming social media to attract the new pleasure-seeking generation and offer them a proper introduction to the world of superyachting.
MYS’s content strategy has always been based on seducing and educating its audience.
The show’s TikTok content will both promote the superyacht life – via values such as family, friendship, self-respect, elegant life and respect for the environment – while sharing educative insights on every aspect of yachting.
The yachting industry has been transformed and challenged over the years, driven by avant-garde experts and passionate yacht owners who have always expanded the boundaries of the yachting world.
The next generation to enter yachting with their own social codes is already redefining yachting. The yachting industry must be ready to accompany them for a fulfilling life.
Check out the MYS TikTok account here.
The Monaco Yacht Show will run from 28 September to 1 October 2022.
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