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In the wake of the Greater Sydney lockdown, the Boating Industry Association has advised the current restrictions for on-water activity within the region.

19 July 2021


The Boating Industry Association (BIA) has announced, following advice from Transport for NSW, the regulations for boating during the current Greater Sydney lockdown. 

In an email supplied from the BIA to its members on 19 July, the association expressed that Transport for NSW has “reiterated the need for people to apply common sense and act responsibly,” and that the boating sector “was generally doing the right thing across the impacted areas and that was appreciated.”

Under the current lockdown for Greater Sydney, which is currently expected to end at 11:59pm 30 July, general boating and socialising is not allowed. However, there are ‘reasonable excuses’ which allows some activity. 

According to current definitions, on-water exercise, purchasing, maintaining and servicing vessels, and undertaking legal operations – which includes ensuring that in-water vessels are remaining in safe and seaworthy conditions – are all considered reasonable excuses.

The BIA was reiterated to its members and the boating public to observe the current health measures in place throughout Greater Sydney, including the use of masks, social distancing and remaining home unless there is a reasonable excuse to leave.


According to reports from NSW Health, as of 8pm 8 July, there were 1,171 locally acquired active COVID-19 cases in the state. 

For more information about boating activity in the Greater Sydney region, visit NSW Maritime’s website.



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