08 April 2024
The son of founder Bill Barry-Cotter AM, Tom Barry-Cotter was appointed Managing Director in 2022. Prior to that, he was Head of Design, managing brand strategy, international marketing and overseeing design. He was also part of the champion Maritimo Racing team with Ross Willaton.
Following a short statement from the company, Barry-Cotter issued his own release, stating: “After long and careful consideration, I have made the unfortunate decision to resign from my role as Managing Director and leave Maritimo.
“I leave Maritimo in a position of strength with record profits, robust forward orders, enhanced customer satisfaction and much positive change in recent years.
“I’m incredibly grateful for having had the opportunity to work alongside such a talented and dedicated group of people across the company, and I wish the entire team all the best for the future.
“It is very unfortunate to have to make this decision, however ownership wished to take the company in a direction I was not comfortable with. Unfortunately, after weeks of trying to negotiate a different course, it has not reached an outcome where I am comfortable to remain at Maritimo.
“I remain incredibly energised and committed to contributing my knowledge, skills and passion to the marine industry, and I look forward to the opportunities that are ahead for me.
“I wish Bill Barry-Cotter and the team all the best in his return to the managing director role.”
Bill Barry-Cotter has returned to the Active Chairman position and the company stated: “It is business as usual as we continue to craft our world-renowned motor luxury yachts for our valued customers across the globe.”
Maritimo is celebrating 20 years of manufacturing excellence since it was founded in 2003.