Photography by Blu iProd/APYC
29 March 2017
As the Singapore Yacht Show approaches in the coming weeks, the organisers have released more information about the programme of the Asia Pacific Superyacht Conference (APYC), which is run by the same team as the Yacht Show and takes place just ahead of it.
Highlighting two sessions in particular – ‘The Berth of a Marketplace’ and ‘Engaging the Asia Market’ – the organisers said they will also be welcoming representatives of the Ministries of Tourism from Thailand, Indonesia and Myanmar, likely as a way to highlight the importance of freedom to charter in attracting visiting superyachts.
The session entitled ‘The Berth of a Marketplace – Infrastructure Development in Asia: If we build them, will they come?’ will cover sustainability of marina development in the region, and whether increased superyacht traffic will stimulate development in infrastructure. It will also address the key foundations needed to provide long-term berthing support for a growing fleet.
Addressing culture, trends and generational progress for adopting the superyachting lifestyle, this should be an interesting topic for delegates from ASEAN countries as well as further afield.
Marine17 speakers annnounced